Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Benefits and Influence of Music

Nowadays, music is very popular for teen and all ages. Some people like to listen Classic music and other like RB or hip hop. It depend on their interesting. Even many people like music, but it still has advantages and disadvantages also. First of all, I would like to talk about the advantages of music. There are many advantages, but Ill tell you more details about that. First point, the music can make us feel relieve. Sometimes, when you get In the moody. You can take out your amp and listen to it, you will be feel relieve. The music such as hip hop or R;B can elf you to get In the good mood again.Second point, music can make us feel more comfortable. When you listen the romantic music, you such a kind of dreaming or you feel that you can fly and get the romantic feeling. So your feeling more comfortable and being happy all the time. Third point, music can reduce your stresses all the time. When you stress, you listening music or do other activity in order to reduce your stresses step by step. You can listening hip hop music, its help you smile. This is the last point of listening music, music can bring us in to one society by the meaning of the song.For example, you are listening to the Americans song ( Dead and Gone), you can learn about the society in America. What happened in that or something beside this. Also you can improve your listening skill by listen the English song too. However music has many advantages, but its also has disadvantages too. Listening music waste a lot money. When the singer show up or release new album, you always spend your money to buy it every time they release. If they release 100 different new album, Would you buy all this album? Thats why I can say music waste a lot of money. On the other hands, music waste our time too. When you are addicted In to music. You always sit and listening to it without doing anything. You Just sit and listen. You dont go out and do your work. Besides that, If you listen too much time and put your headset every time. You will have problem with your ear. You will spend much money or time to treat It. Totally, every things always have advantages and disadvantages. But If you get the information about this already. You should reduce your listening habit step by step. Benefits and influence of music Music gives different meaning to everyone. Music is a combination of art form from influence, past time, hobby and passion.From classical to Jazz, pop, rock, RB, hip hop or even devotional songs, music affect different people in many different way. That is why we can see nowadays some people who are enthusiastic about music even attribute themselves and their talents into music professions. Music touches our soul and allows us to express different moods and emotions. Therefore, music has many roles that affect everyones life. Listening to certain songs usually triggers to certain emotions linked to that song. As for me, I would listen to various rots of songs to cheer my mood up.And seriously, life without music would be very dull. Have you ever heard of the saying, hooked on the feeling? . Well, it really happens. For example, during festive seasons like Christmas, many people will put on Christmas songs because this will help them to stay on the state of euphoria all month long and bring back their childhood memories of Christmas. Therefore, music also plays a very crucial ole in overall development of an individual. It can take the mind and body to do spontaneous things either good or bad, depends on the type of sic a person is listening to and it message contains.For instance, when someone is listening to sad songs related to their love or life, the listener will be highly in touch with that song connected with their emotions. Likewise, when another person is listening to a heavy metal songs, they might inhibited violated act or aggressive behavior as rock songs bring about rebellion and agitation influence. However, for some people, listening to this type of songs is their way of expressing anger and relieve from pain. Well, its actually depends on that person himself on how they interact and influence by the music.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

An outline marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench 308 Essay

An outline marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench 308 - Essay Example This paper will present an outline marketing plan report that suggests a marketing strategy for AQC cranberry juice for the next one year. It will highlight the positioning, marketing mix, and marketing communication strategy for the company, which will based on a provisional budget that seeks to attain 20% growth in the next one year. In the UK and across the world, juice is consumed in numerous households. However, in the past decade, the juice market has suffered the adverse effects as the popularity of diets that are low-carb in nature has increased. The constant price sales between 2008 and 2014 have declined by up to 15%, although sales are expected to increase slightly by the end of 2015 (Falguera & Ibarz, 2014: p47). Still, there has been growth in the functional and healthy juice product line with consumers presently looking for natural and healthy juices. A recent survey by Mintell (2012: p33) concluded that approximately 90% of the juice consumer market are now actively looking for products that are 100% juice, while nutrient of vitamin enhancement was essential for ~65% of consumers and 25% and 50% of consumers look for low-carb and low-sugar juice products respectively. Mintel (2012: p33) identifies relatively high consumption of juice fruit in households with high income and children, along with hous eholds with younger adults as the heads. Households with children, overall, show increased rates of juice consumption, which emphasizes the importance of young families to the fruit juice market. This paper will present a report on AQC’s marketing plan for the next year between January and December 2015. The marketing plan’s aim is to capture at least 20% of the juice industry market share within this period of one year. The juice market has a high level of segmentation with refrigerated juices holding more than 40% of the segment, while also showing an increase of 4.2% between 2012 and 2013 (statista.com, 2013:

Thursday, October 31, 2019

EC Competition law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EC Competition law - Essay Example It shall have no inherent or residual powers'. Enroute to European integration, community legislation could not serve the intended purpose and therefore the need was felt for a differentiated range of instruments, besides the traditional legislative ones. The essence of a state based on the rule of law is that the law binds its government actions. The article further states, 'all powers which the Member States enjoy by virtue of their sovereignty, and which they have not conferred on the Union pursuant to this Treaty, remain within the exclusive competence of the Member States'. It effectively means governing within the boundaries of the law, in conformity with certain principles on which a constitutional state is based and which indicate the limits to the powers to be exercised, with a view to ensuring the freedom and liberty of citizens. Further clarifying, the article states 'the conferment of powers on the Union shall not in itself restrict the powers of the Member States in respect of the same subject-matter, except in the areas identified in Article 9 of this Treaty as falling within the exclusive competence of the Union'. ... In this regard, the principle of conferred powers is of crucial importance, as it determines when the EC and its institutions are competent to act. (b). Article 3(1)(g) states, 'he Community's competition rules are not an end in themselves; they are primarily a condition for achieving the common (or internal) market'3. The aim is 'a system ensuring that competition in the internal market is not distorted'. Thus in the three areas of application of these rules (concerted practices, abuse of dominant position and state aid), prohibition is limited to practices that have an impact on trade between Member States and excludes those that only affect trade within a State. Thus prohibited practices are those 'which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market' This legislative article is part of a broader internal marketing strategy and aims at consolidating respective member state's markets. The strategy is aimed at strengthening the foundations of the internal market. It desires that barriers to trade in goods and services must be eliminated, and it must be ensured that European legislation is applied and implemented correctly. The strategy therefore sets out a list of priorities and a schedule for putting them into practice. The concept of internal market is one of the essential cornerstones of EU. It is the culmination of the treaty of Rome, which provided for the creation of a 'common market' based on the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. It is based on the principles of non-discrimination and mutual recognition. Such a mechanism is supposed to function as a control

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Responses to the Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Responses to the Essays - Essay Example The walk, it turned out, provided the essence and meaning of her entire stay in Japan – yet ironically, nothing was uttered or said during that brief (she could not even remember how many minutes) togetherness with a stranger under one umbrella, with the raindrops and the sound of their footsteps hitting the pavement providing the only effects in addition to the silence. The author concludes her narrative with a breath under suspension after the stranger disappeared instantly without a word leaving her in a state of â€Å"mysterious shock.† Shields is her usual self in finding the humanity in every aspect or event or place or circumstance where she ascribes meaning to even the most ordinary thing or activity such as sharing an umbrella with a complete stranger. One cannot resist admiring Shield’s masterful play of words and emotions as she moves from her treatment of ordinary, drab, inconsequential events and transforms them into meaningful â€Å"encounters.â₠¬  I am completely taken by her figures of speech: â€Å"†¦invaded me like a kind of flu†¦ a temporary vacuum that had nothing to do with Japan†¦ hypnotic walking†¦walking towards the unimaginable.† I photo-played the ordinariness of her stay in Japan based on her description and I could sense her dryness, or maybe the dryness of the event she was describing and felt her remorse as if I was there. It was as if she took me by the hand when she shifted to a colorful and rich description of that brief â€Å"rain walk.† I could even see or feel as being the towering stranger holding up the umbrella for a woman and walking almost gingerly with somebody he does not know from Adam. I could see myself as the stranger quickly disappearing from the woman’s view as soon as we hit the sidewalk of the designated hotel, at the same time experiencing the agony and perplexity of Shields after being left without any word, or cue whatsoever. It was Shields wi elding her power and ability to put the reader in a similar state of suspension. Essay 2: â€Å"Goodbye Muse, Hello Prada† by Goran Simic (Harsent 84)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of EasyJet

A SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of EasyJet 1. Introduction and History A successful example of a European no frills airline is easyJet. Stelios Haji-Ioannou (Greek) founded the company in 1995. It is based on the low-cost, no-frills model of the US carrier Southwest. The concept of easyJet is based on the belief that demands for short-haul air transport is price elastic. That means, if prices for flights are being reduced, more people will fly. Traditionally airline concepts are based on the assumption that airline traffic grows in line with the economy and that cutting prices will only lead to a decrease in revenues. With the introduction of the no-nonsense concept to the European market, after its deregulation in 1992, easyJet has proven this theory wrong and goes from strength to strength by actually increasing the size of the market and more recently by taking away passengers from the majors (see www.easyjet.com for passenger figures, financial data and employee statistics). Today, it offers 125 routes from 39 European Airports (see www.easyjet.com for route launch dates), with Luton, Liverpool, Geneva, Amsterdam as base airports  [1]  and is operating 72 aircrafts (November 2003). November 1995: easyJet starts flights from Luton to Glasgow and Edinburgh with to leased Boeing 737-300 with a capacity of 148 seats at a price of  £29 one way. Seats are being sold over telephone reservation system only. In 1996 easyJet takes delivery of its first wholly owned aircraft and goes international with first services to Amsterdam from Luton. One year later easyJet launches its website, easyjet.com which will from 1998 onwards form an integral part of the business concept (and which provides for some 90% of the bookings today  [2]  ). In August 2002 easyJet expands its fleet and routes by acquiring British Airways low-cost subsidiary Go. In October 2002 the airline signs a deal to purchase 120 Airbus, which will facilitate the airlines ongoing growth strategy. Up until now, one of the cornerstones of the easyJets low-cost model has been to operate a single aircraft type fleet which so far has been the Boeing 737 series because uniformity means efficiencies in train ing, maintenance and operating costs. However, easyJets new deal with Airbus is being viewed by the company as stunning as the additional costs, which incur through the new type of aircraft are far outweighed by the financial benefits of this deal. easyJet argues that both Boeing and Airbus aircraft have broadly similar characteristics but that a wider aisle on A319 will make it quicker to embark and disembark, that it has an extra seat on board (150 vs. 149) and that overall the A319 will lower costs by about  10% compared to the current mix of aircraft, which will contribute to lower ticket fares. (See appendix 1 for Stelios Haji-Iannous other easyGroup enterprises). 2. The Mission Statement of easyJet To provide our customers with safe, good value, point-to-point air services. To effect and to offer a consistent and reliable product and fares appealing to leisure and business markets on a range of European routes. To achieve this will develop our people and establish lasting relationship (see www.easyjet.com) The basis of an organisations mission statement should answer the question What business is the company in? easyJet is doing this by stating that it provides point-to-point air services to its customers. That clearly underlines that easyJet is not in the people or food business, neither in the service business as such, but in the mass-transportation business, and as such its model is based on cost efficiency of the mass-transportation business. Moreover, it reflects several decisions about what kind of air service easyJet wants to provide. Evidently, its focus is on European routes, targeting business and leisure travellers alike. Furthermore, it aims to offer safe, good value transportation. easyJets mission statement also gives information on the How to get there? by putting emphasis on its people and suppliers. What is missing from the statement is the importance of the customers point of view, which could be expressed by saying, for instance, we want to be recognised asà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Also, as the mission statement is the bedrock for the marketing plan it should be more quantifiable, as to how much market share easyJet aims to gain in the future, for example. 3. Competitive Analysis In order to analyse the airline industry in detail, it is useful to apply Porters five competitive forces. The threat of substitutes Minimal threat from other modes of transport like train and car on domestic routes. Usually the time and cost advantage of the low-cost carriers far outweigh the increased comfort and flexibility of trains or cars (e.g. on the route Luton/London to Glasgow a train takes around 6 hours and costs around  £80 while a easyJet plane takes just one hour and costs around  £29). On international routes distances are usually too great for car or train to be an alternative to air travel, expect maybe from London to Paris, which can be reached by Euro Star. The threat of new entrants High capital requirements negate threat to some extent. easyJet was started with a loan of  £5 million, with 2 leased aircraft, but required a  £50million investment raised by debt and equity in year two to speed expansion and buy 4 new planes. The UK low-cost market is quite mature in comparison to the rest of Europe and easyJet, as the biggest operator has quite a comfortable position. However, expansion into new European markets might prove more difficult as established; cash strong holiday firms like TUI are setting up their own low-cost operations (see information about Hapag Lloyd Express, www.hlx.com) Lack of take-off and landing slots makes it difficult for new carriers to find suitable airports. Loss leader is required in order to join the low cost market. The power of suppliers The price of aviation fuel is directly related to the cost of oil, as an individual company easyJet does not have the power to alter this. Airplane manufacturers are concentrated in the industry, with Boeing and Airbus providing the majority of commercial planes and with easyJet operating one type of aircraft until recently. easyJets deal with airbus however shows that favourable agreements can still be reached. The dependence on spare parts from one manufacturer could pose a risk. The more easyJet expands the more power it will posses over its suppliers The power of buyers Buyer power within the airline industry and especially the low-cost market is relatively strong, as customers will often shop around for the better price, particularly with the dependence that the low cost airline has on Internet sales. Price discrepancies can be easily found and exploited by the consumer, meaning that the operator must keep a regular check on prices. Need for customer loyalty because of low switching costs Customers have the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on their side which provides: 1. protection against the consequence of travel organiser failure for people who buy package holidays, charter flights and discounted scheduled air tickets; and 2. licenses airlines and ensures compliance with requirements of European and UK legislation relating to financial resources, liability and insurance of airlines.  [3]   Rivalry among existing firms Ryan air, BMIbaby, MyTravelLite and Buzz are major competitors of easyJet in the UK. Virgin Express, Hapag Lloyd Express, Germanwings and Air Berlin already are or might become competitors in the light of future expansion plans. Ryanair is the only one of these so far to have succeeded and shown a continuous yearly profit (see appendix 2 for financial data). A growing number of tour operators (like Thomas Cook and TUI) are selling air only scheduled seats to reduced prices  [4]  . British Airways and other traditional carriers out of the UK are competitors as well but on a lower scale as they target different market segments (see appendix 3 for more detail). 4. Marketing Mix Price Low price is a key element of the brand. Uses differential pricing; off-peak travelling and booking in advance makes a ticket less expensive. Discounts for tickets booked online. Product no-frills, point-to-point air services also car hire on its website (use of the Internet for bundling products) and links to other easyGroup websites (see appendix 1 for other easyGroup enterprises). Place/distribution Internet booking system (over 90% of bookings). Telephone reservation system. Promotion Highlights its number one position among Europes low-cost airlines (advertising strap line: Size matters!, slogan: the webs favourite airline) Advocates internal marketing, creative work done in-house. No Bullshit approach (Stelios), humorous, attention-catching campaigns (e.g. the giving away of free tickets on Gos inaugural flight and Stelios protesting in a orange boiler suit against an increase of airport fees at Luton in a branch of Barclays bank which owns the airport). 5. SWOT Analysis 5.1. Internal Analysis Strengths Image, differentiation on price and brand. Is financially successful. Is being seen as an innovative and flexible organisation. Has a strong e-business. Is part of the consortium that has been awarded to run UKs air traffic control system (NATS). Weaknesses Has no customer retention policy Has little or no scope outside of Europe. Lack of service, flexibility and business focus (such as frequent flyer programmes e.g.) make the low-cost model unappealing for most business travellers. The two drivers of growth, the focus on price and the focus on convenience (frequent flights, few connections, more nearby airports e.g.) are reaching their natural limits. Differentiation from there remains to be difficult. easyJets own success makes it difficult to recruit and train staff quickly enough. 5.2 External Analysis Opportunities Experts predict great potential for future growth in the next years (see appendix 4). The current recession is favourable as people and businesses are more cost-conscious. More full-service airlines may withdraw from the regional market to focus on more profitable long-haul routes leaving the market to the low-cost operators. The short-breaks market, an important market for easyJet grows more rapidly than the UK travel market as a whole  [5]  . Reduced aircraft prices Threats Difficulties to expand as viable new routes from London are scarce. Competition is likely to intensify, given the saturated market and the shortage of other options  [6]  . Increased competition is likely to lead to greater difficulties in demanding incentives from communities, like the very low fees easyJet received at Luton  [7]  . Companies cut on business travel in times of economic downturn and because of new time-consuming security measures travel substitutes like videoconferencing are introduced  [8]  . 6. Situational Analysis easyJet seems to be positioned very well with experts predicting excellent growth opportunities for the low cost-sector. Given the saturated market and the shortage of other options in the UK, competition is likely to intensify inevitably followed by consolidation, an early sign of which is easyJets purchase of GO. The UK market offers little growth opportunity, therefore concentration will be on the continental market, a step forward in this direction is setting up a major new base at Berlin, with flights from 11 European cities  [9]  , and possibly as well on Eastern Europe. Focus remains on pricing Strategy and expansion of its route network. Promotion needs to persuade people that it is safe to fly and establish easyJet as Europes largest low-cost carrier (as easyJet is already doing in its advertisement: Size matters!) 7. PEST Analysis Marketing Plan PEST analysis for easyJet for the next 5 years The following factors are likely to have an influence on the airline industry and should therefore be taken into account when formulating a Marketing Plan for easyJet. Politico-legal factors Threat of war in the Middle East The Air Miles scheme is not considered as a taxable perk by the government in the way that company cars are taxed which may change to allow easyJet to compete on more equal grounds with the likes of BA. A EU east-enlargement may provide access to viable, new markets. Economic factors Likelihood of increasing fuel costs, congestion and other environmental restrictions, as well as the prospect of higher security and insurance costs to reflect the risk of terrorism. As the recession is likely to last for some more time, business travellers will keep an eye on their travel expenses. Globalisation should continue to boost traffic in the long-term. The introduction of the single currency in Europe is likely to bring more business to easyJet as Europe becomes more integrated. Socio-cultural factors To win over the French and German publics might cause problems as there appears still to be a general reluctance to use credit cards over the phone and Internet  [10]  . The public are general quite friendly to the prospect of cheap flights. However they may feel begrudged where they see promotions found in newspapers where flight are for  £10 only to find that the actual cost is much higher for the particular time or day they wish to fly on. Technological factors A key issue will be the extent to which technological advancements such as the use of the Internet on distribution and cost synergies from industry consolidation can offset upward pressures on prices and costs. easyJet has to keep track of technological developments in the field of e-commerce and aircraft manufacture in order to gain a competitive advantage. 8. Conclusion 8.1 Strategic issues facing the airline industry The face of aviation is gradually evolving. The long-standing problems of the industry in the form of large numbers of network carriers and substantial over-capacity in many markets were exacerbated by the events of September 11th (see appendix 5 for a post-Sept. 11th overview). This is likely to pave the way for some acceleration in the process of airline restructuring and consolidation. Experts believe that there is not room for the current multitude of carriers in Europe, and that these will eventually be whittled down to three or four major airlines, with the others absorbed or restructured to focus more on regional traffic. This also represents an opportunity for no-frills carriers to increase their market share. Along with this, some restructuring of the industrys complex and outdated regulatory system will be required. In the longer term, trend growth may itself slow gradually as the big air travel markets mature. In addition, falling yields, which have boosted air travel growth in the past, cannot be relied upon to persist, at least at the rate they have for the past decade or so. If cost trends are less favourable for example because of increasing fuel costs, congestion and other environmental restrictions, as well as the prospect of higher security and insurance costs to reflect the risks of terrorism the scope for lower yields would be less, and this might reduce future growth trends. A key issue will be the extent to which favourable cost trends such as the impact of the Internet on distribution costs and cost synergies from industry consolidation can offset these upward pressures on prices and costs. The full-service airlines, saddled with big networks and strongly unionised workforces, cannot easily embrace the management strategies of the no-frills airlines. Moreover, their scope for de fensive mergers is limited by competition policy. The ability of international airlines to expand is limited by ownership restrictions (In the US foreigners cannot own more than 25% of a national airline, in the EU the restriction is 49%  [11]  ). The no-frills market within Europe is immature relative to that of the US. The sector accounts for only around 5% of all intra European capacity, though the share is much higher in the UK domestic market and on services between the UK and Europe, closer to 20%. Further strong growth is expected over the next 2-3 years as new operations start up, and new destinations are added to the existing carriers networks. However as the UK market becomes saturated, these carriers are likely to focus their development at continental European hubs. The experience of the US market suggests that deregulation will be followed by industry consolidation. So far there has been limited progress in this direction but many are viewing the current crisis as the catalyst necessary to completely restructure the European airline industry . In the US the industry has consolidated into seven major carriers, which carry over 80% of passenger traffic of US airlines. Europe is far more fragmented with the equivalent figure for the seven European majors at only 47%  [12]  . 8.2 easyJets Future easyJet has to consider whether it should respond to new entrants by ceding niche-segments or by competing aggressively on price, routes and service in an attempt to drive the entrant out of the market. To make the strategic decision market research on the size of different combinations of pricing and service is needed. easyJet also needs to know how much it costs the competitor to serve, and how much capacity the competitor has for, every route in question. Finally, the new entrants competitive objectives are of relevance to anticipate how it would respond to any strategic moves easyJet might make. By obtaining these information residual uncertainty would be limited, and the incumbent airline would be able to build a confident business case around its strategy  [13]  . It is advisable that easyJet targets mainly leisure travellers as business often demand frequent flights to a wide range of destinations, seek quality service and frequent flyer programmes, and are willing to pay a premium for these benefits. Also, trying to appeal to widely different customer needs runs counter to the overall trend in service industries, in which distinctive approaches, tailored to different customers, have generally come to dominate  [14]  . No real opportunity offers the long-haul business as it is very different, both technically and in customer needs, to short-haul travel. easyJet should continue to focus on price and attempt to connect the dots in its network, which cost less than opening new cities. Thereby, it needs to make sure that a growth in its network and fleet does not lead to higher operating costs. It should also consider putting more emphasis on direct marketing by e.g. introducing a customer retention scheme. To differentiate its brand further on promotional lines, easyJet could introduce a CRM (cause related marketing) scheme, developing a reputation for being a caring airline, e.g. by selling shares in forest help programmes over its website, collect ing foreign currency on flights for charity etc., thereby giving its passengers a sense of psychological comfort and well-being  [15]  when they choose to fly with easyJet. Overall, easyJet has to develop a realistic and accurate assessment of the market-niche to be served. A relentless commitment to quality service and cost control is as important as the discipline to establish a growth plan (see www.easyJet.com for easyJet product life cycle and marketing strategy). (Word count 3,144) Appendices Appendix 1 Under the easy brand Stelios Haji-Iannou has furthermore established and Internet car rental service (easyRentacar), a chain of Internet cafes (easyEverything), a financial services site (easyMoney), a portal site for bargains on the net (easyValue) and a free e-mail service (easy.com). In all his ventures he is using yield management to extract the ideal margin from each customer  [16]  and keep costs down. Furthermore, yield management can help to better use price in the marketing mix to best reach the most customers  [17]  . However, there are no cross-shareholdings between easyJet and these other easyGroup companies. easyJey operates independently from the other companies although some cross-marketing agreements do exist. Also, results of the non-airline businesses have been mixed as they have lost  £75m in three years  [18]  . Appendix 2 Profit for Ryanair April September 2002 Year-on-year increase 151m à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ( £96m) 71% Source: Tran, M. (2002)  [19]   See http://www.ryanair.com/download/morganjune.pdf for actual data. Appendix 3 Compare Airline Traffic Data (Europe) Air Transport World http://www.atwonline.com/Pdf/worldairlinereport_2002.pdf Appendix 4 The airline market is currently being re-shaped by the expansion of existing low-cost airlines. It has been estimated that they will expand their European market share from 5% to 25% by 2010, establishing themselves on a long-term basis. (Source: International Travel News (2003), available on http://www.internettravelnews.com/article/20223 Friday, 28th November 2003) Low-cost airlines are gearing up to take large chunks out of their rivals. In a decade, low-cost airlines may be the dominant form of air travel in Europe. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In Europe, no-frills travel accounts for only 5% of European air travel, but it is likely to grow to claim a 12-15% share in the next decade. (Source: BBC News (2002), available on http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2038192.stm; Friday, 28th November 2003)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Golgi Complex :: essays research papers

The Golgi complex's structure is made up of many flattened membranes sacs that are surrounded by tubules or vesicles. These are called the cisternae. The golgi complex accepts vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum and modifies them for usage in the cell. The golgi complex is used to distribute materials which help form the cell membranes. They also assemble the membranous material by producing glycolipids and glycoproteins. The golgi complexes also hand their vesicles materials for secretion. The golgi complex could not do its job without the help of vesicles. Vesicles bring and send the organelle its materials. Attributes:  § 1.0  µm in diameter  § Flattened sacks  § Takes materials from the Endoplasmic Reticulum Functions:  § Packages materials  § Readies products for export from the cell  § These products are then transfered to other organelles or out of the cell Description: Want me an example? Have you ever made a sandwich for lunch and sealed it inside a plastic bag? That's what happens inside the Golgi complex. Important materials that the cell needs to grow and repair itself are packaged in the membrane material made inside the Golgi complex and then shipped to the parts of the cell where they are needed. The Golgi Complex (or Golgi Apparatus, or Golgi Body) is a cytoplasmic structure composed of multiple cisternae (pools of solution surounded by membranes) arranged to look like a stack of pancakes hovering over the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER). The Golgi Complex can be subdivided into three principal parts - cis, medial, and trans - based on proximity to the ER. The cis- and trans- Golgi stacks look discontinuous and irregular as vesicles are constantly joining and leaving, so they are usually referred to as the cis Golgi network (CGN) and trans Golgi network (TGN), respectively. The medial Golgi can have any number of cisternae, which are referred to collectively as the medial stacks. The function of the Golgi Complex is to modify proteins and then target them to specific sites in the cell. As proteins are being made through the translation of mRNA on Ribosomes, they are identified by amino acid "tags" which tell the cell where the protein belongs. Many proteins have a signal peptide which tells the cell to insert the protein directly into the ER during translation. Proteins which enter the ER are modified in several ways, including the addition of large glycosides (branched sugars) to specific amino acid side chains (Asparagines). After processing in the ER is done, the proteins are shuttled to the CGN via small vesicles.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Describe What Montessori Meant by New Education Essay

Dr Maria Montessori dedicated and committed her life into education of the children. She has witnessed through some years with wars and conflicts and she thought; through education this can be turned into peace to this world. Since the year 1907 Montessori name has been recognized in the education system. Even though it has been over a century to this date Montessori principles are as powerful as it was. Dr Maria Montessori has relied on her actual observations on children to develop her method of education. During these observations she has discovered that each child has their own urge to learn through their own way. She brought to light that children has an enormous ability which can be turned into positive energy and a new beginning. According to Dr Montessori; education should be aimed at human progress not only to gain knowledge. â€Å"It is the spirit of the child that can determine the course human progress and lead it perhaps even to a higher form of civilization. † (The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Dr Maria Montessori believed in a natural process of education. There was a teacher oriented system in place and she did not believe this was focused on the child fully. She felt if we focused on child and observe them this would help us to understand the child. â€Å"Studying these children and their mutual relationships in an atmosphere of freedom, the true secrets of society come to be revealed. † (The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Education should be in a natural way, children has every right to freedom to learn. Montessori thought we can give importance to every child with new education. She felt that the civilization had the wrong idea about children and this needed to be changed firstly. She believed that adults did not understand the children, this has led the education system to fail. According to Montessori; â€Å" the fundamental problem in education is not an educational problem at all : it is a social one. It consists in the establishment of a new and better relationship between the two great sections of society- children and adults. † (Maria Montessori Her Life And Work, Chapter XV p. 231) Montessori felt that the real problem consists in cementing a new relationship between children and adults and she realized something very wrong with the relationship. Montessori felt that in the past there was many revolution with regards to slaves, workers, women, peasants, child-labourers and so on. Limited to certain place and time. Where as the problem she saw between the adult and the child was universal and did not matter about race, religion etc. â€Å"Grace must build on nature†. (Maria Montessori Her Life And Work, Chapter 15 p. 233) Montessori felt that children needed to have child size classroom equipment. She has compared if adults were to be living in gigantic sized environment filled with gigantic sized equipments how uncomfortable it would be compare it to adult scale. The child should be left to gain his/hers self esteem. This would benefit him/her to have a confidence in himself and not to depend/rely on others in the future. Every child has got a natural power to develop himself. â€Å"Children decide on their actions under the prompting of natural laws†¦ Inner forces affect his choice, and if someone usurps the function of this guide, the child is prevented from developing either his will or his concentration.. a negative action is the interruption of work at fixed times in the daily program†. (The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Montessori drew attention to how adult and children learn very differently. She has relied on her observations when she explained the differences. What he is able to do, he must do by himself. One of her biggest concern was that adults need to change the way they think about the needs of the child. Adult has reached the development and no longer will be developing where as child’s interactions with his surrounding is helping his development. The children could teach themselves and they can learn from their environment. Children work with a slower rhythm compare to adults. They can spend a very long time for example changing their shoes into slippers when they arrive at the nursery in the morning. While child is taking his shoes off parents/carers cannot help but taking over the action in order to get it finished and done with. They often lose their patience and complain that their child is taking such a long time! Or they cannot help but saying ‘Let me do that for you’. What adults expect is an adult speed from the children. Montessori says, â€Å" He is following a timetable like the most diligent scholar in the world- following it with the unshakable constancy of the stars in their courses. (Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p. 125). It is important that in order to help little children, adults firstly needs to learn to respect the rhythm of children. She stressed that children will repeat the same thing over and over. For example a child in the nursery picking the same book each time he is asked to choose a book for teacher to read to children. Another example of a child in the nursery who is choosing the very same practical life transferring water with a turkey baster activity each morning at the arrival of the nursery and going back to it though out the day. Montessori says â€Å" Now by the very boredom you have experienced in thus repeating and repeating this same exercise, you will be able to measure that imperious inner urge that drives the children to do the same thing. † (Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p. 129). Montessori believed that there are different periods in the course of the child’s development, corresponding to the different phases in the development of human body. These periods are from birth to six year of age. Differences does not change the learning type of mind. She observed that the impressions a child takes from his environment, not only to penetrate the mind, but they come to life since the child makes his own mental flesh in using the things that in his environment. She called this type of mind â€Å" The Absorbent Mind†. Montessori through her system of ‘new education’ aimed at using this real constructive energy to create a new world for humanity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Poetry Allusions of W. B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot

There are many strategies in which a writer can convey his message to his readers. One is allusion, a literary device that lets the readers have a mental image of what the writer is trying to express in his article. The dictionary defines it as an â€Å"indirect reference or citation† to a person, place or something that is presumed to be known already by the reader. Others classify it as an indirect mention of something that the writer may intentionally or unintentionally do so. It is up to the reader to see and grasp the necessary connection. Autobiography of the AuthorsPerhaps two of the most known writers who use allusion are William Butler Yeats and Thomas Stearns Eliot. William Butler Yeats, a renowned Irish poet and dramatist started his career as early as seventeen. He was also a painter but chose to focus more on writing. The Isle of Statues, the Wandering of Oisin, and The Wind among the Reeds were among his famous works, to name a few. Critic Michael Valdez Moses de scribed his works as â€Å"those of radical nationalist, classical liberal, reactionary conservative, and millenarian nihilist† (Inc Wikimedia Foundation). T. S. Eliot, born in St.Louis, Missouri in the year 1888 came from an elite family having him enrolled in one of the most prestigious schools in the community – Harvard. He also had the resembling enthusiasm for travelling, which is taken to fact that his works catered different settings and race. He also had the passion for theater making him a director in an English firm in the year 1965 and had been merited by King George VI as a form of appreciation for his fine works. His collection of poems exerted profound influences on his contemporaries in the arts which also staged on international readers as well.Analysis on Allusion The essence of allusion is its ability on making readers read and at the same time comprehends what they are reading. This literary device which is used in prose and poetry help in visualizin g a mental picture by playing with words alluded. The fragile fact in the usage of such is the level of expectation evoked by the allusion. The style is like â€Å"counting chickens with eggs†. In general, the utilization of allusions by a novelist shows an anticipation that the bookworm is proverbial with the allusion made, otherwise the effect is nowhere to be found in the tentacles of the purpose.On William Butler Yeats Works Yeats’ breathtaking ranges in poetry encompasses the entire arc of his career from writing pieces of myths and legends and lingering passionate meditations on demands set forth by the contemporary society for purposes which indulges the art of love, heroism, nature and a whole sense of unpredictable somber and angry poems which stages the flames of war and a whole lot more of uprising circumstances. His so-called â€Å"religious† pieces gave not only a slight impact on readers, but it made people internalize each and every line of his po ems.It was believed that the purpose of his works is to send subliminal messages to the society. He is a man armed with romanticism which is considered moribund in modern literature. His skill of captivating hearts of readers with his ability to revive legends by placing it into lyrics gave him a towering height of success and respect which is up to date appreciated by literature fanatics. On T. S. Eliot’s Works Unlike Yeats who received mostly admiration on his works, Eliot on the other hand had a lot of criticisms regarding his works.Some said his works were â€Å"not being poetry at all† and that they were just replica of other authors’ creations (Inc. Wikimedia Foundation). Nevertheless, these were not barriers for Eliot to be awarded with a Nobel Prize for Literature, just like Yeats, whom he actually influenced. Among his greatest works were The Waste Land, Ash Wednesday, and Four Quartet which gave him a breakthrough in the limelight and a tank of deliber ate criticisms at that. Given the fact that his works were often questioned, he remained steadfast upon his works and continued writing epics, tragedies, culture and religion.His enthusiasm on â€Å"Metaphysics†, which triggered the rationality of the reading public were ironically given ample respect. He was described as a writer dancing shallow waters, and enables one to judge his works either positively or negatively. It was between: love him, or hate him. Conclusion A writer’s style may differ in form and style. In the amorous field of literature, it is expected that readers may either internalize it as rather discouraging, inspirational or motivational.In the case of Eliot and Yeats, it is then taken to assumption that the style of readers in expressing their ideas or desires in the field of writing is influenced by three factors: environment, family and experiences. The contradictory opinions of readers are taken only for the purpose of sharing and reference. The dominance of allusions in both the authors’ masterpieces perhaps is a way of establishing an exotic sense of trademark. The targets of their collection of literary works are the advanced booklovers, where their â€Å"allusions are counted with argumentative but sentimental appreciation†.